(678) 728-0100


60 RĂ©sultats

Chocolate Cherry Cordials - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Chocolate Cherry Cordials - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Cordiaux au chocolat et aux cerises


Prix ​​à l'unité

3 couleurs
Pecan and Caramel Milk Chocolate Chamberlain's Chews (aka Turtle) - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Chamberlain's Chews au chocolat au lait aux pacanes et au caramel (alias Tortue)

De $21.00

Prix ​​à l'unité

Four Piece Hand Made Chocolate Truffles In Box - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Four Piece Hand Made Truffles In Box - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Truffes faites à la main en quatre pièces dans une boîte


Prix ​​à l'unité

Eight Piece Hand Made Truffles In Box - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Eight Piece Hand Made Truffles In Box - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Truffes faites à la main de huit pièces dans une boîte


Prix ​​à l'unité

Georgia State Chocolate and Georgia Peach Chocolate - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Georgia State Chocolate and Georgia Peach Chocolate - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Chocolat de l'État de Géorgie et chocolat aux pêches de Géorgie


Prix ​​à l'unité

3 Pack Rainbow Sprinkled Pretzel Knots - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
3 Pack Rainbow Sprinkled Pretzel Knots - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Paquet de 3 nœuds de bretzel saupoudrés d'arc-en-ciel


Prix ​​à l'unité

Chamberlains Chocolate Fruit Collection - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Chamberlains Chocolate Fruit Collection - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Collection de fruits au chocolat Chamberlains


Prix ​​à l'unité

Dark Chocolate Covered Orange Peel - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Écorces d'orange enrobées de chocolat noir

De $21.00

Prix ​​à l'unité

Chocolate Covered Almonds, Milk or Dark - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Amandes enrobées de chocolat, au lait ou noir


Prix ​​à l'unité

Milk Chocolate Cheeze Its - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Milk Chocolate Cheeze Its - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Fromage au chocolat au lait


Prix ​​à l'unité

Gluten Free Dairy Free Chocolate Covered Popcorn - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Gluten Free Dairy Free Chocolate Covered Popcorn - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Maïs soufflé enrobé de chocolat, sans gluten, sans produits laitiers


Prix ​​à l'unité

Single Molded Oreo®️ - Milk and White Chocolate Covered - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Single Molded Oreo®️ - Milk and White Chocolate Covered - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Oreo®️ moulé unique - Enrobé de chocolat au lait et blanc


Prix ​​à l'unité

Chocolate Dipped Sugar Wafers (3) - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Chocolate Dipped Sugar Wafers (3) - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Gaufrettes au sucre enrobées de chocolat (3)


Prix ​​à l'unité

Milk Chocolate Potato Chips - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Milk Chocolate Potato Chips - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Chips de pommes de terre au chocolat au lait


Prix ​​à l'unité

Chocolate Dipped Apricots - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Chocolate Dipped Apricots - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Abricots trempés dans le chocolat

De $21.00

Prix ​​à l'unité

Dark Chocolate Almond Bark 8oz - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Dark Chocolate Almond Bark 8oz - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Écorce d'amande au chocolat noir 8oz


Prix ​​à l'unité

Dark Chocolate Peppermint Patties - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Dark Chocolate Peppermint Patties - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Galettes de menthe poivrée au chocolat noir


Prix ​​à l'unité

Royal Red Chocolate Covered Cherries - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Royal Red Chocolate Covered Cherries - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Cerises enrobées de chocolat rouge royal


Prix ​​à l'unité

Milk Chocolate S’mores - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Milk Chocolate S’mores - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

S'mores au chocolat au lait


Prix ​​à l'unité

Dark Chocolate Cheeze Its - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Dark Chocolate Cheeze Its


Prix ​​à l'unité

Dark Chocolate Strawberry Gummy Bears - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Dark Chocolate Strawberry Gummy Bears - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Oursons gommeux enrobés de chocolat


Prix ​​à l'unité

Molded Oreo®️ 6 Pack - Chocolate Covered M&M and Toffee Oreos - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Molded Oreo®️ 6 Pack - Chocolate Covered M&M and Toffee Oreos - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Dark Chocolate Nonpareils with White Seeds - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Dark Chocolate Nonpareils with White Seeds - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Nonpareils de chocolat noir aux graines blanches


Prix ​​à l'unité

Birthday Fancy Oreos®️ - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe
Birthday Fancy Oreos®️ - Chamberlains Chocolate Factory & Cafe

Anniversaire Fantaisie Oreos®️


Prix ​​à l'unité

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