Delight your family and friends with the rich flavors of fall through our Harvest Bouquet. This festive arrangement features juicy pineapple leaves, dipped flower daisies, and toffee-covered apple wedges, all artfully presented in an autumn-colored plaid container. It's a sweet and charming way to celebrate the season. For an extra surprise, consider adding a dozen of our Autumn Dipped Strawberries to your gift, enhancing the autumnal indulgence.
Fresh fruit arrangement with pineapple leaves; pineapple daisies half dipped in milk chocolaty confection with grape centers; apple wedges dipped in milk chocolaty confection & covered in ground toffee, strawberries; cantaloupe & orange wedges; grape skewers; arranged on a lettuce and kale base
All of our dipped fruit is covered in delicious chocolaty confection
Arrives in our reusable fall plaid container; dishwasher safe; measures 4.75"H x 4.5"W
Can Only Be Picked Up At Our Store, or Delivered Within The Greater Atlanta Area. Cannot be shipped out of state.
Delight your family and friends with the rich flavors of fall through our Harvest Bouquet. This festive arrangement features juicy pineapple leaves, dipped flower daisies, and toffee-covered apple wedges, all artfully presented in an autumn-colored plaid container. It's a sweet and charming way to celebrate the season. For an extra surprise, consider adding a dozen of our Autumn Dipped Strawberries to your gift, enhancing the autumnal indulgence.
Fresh fruit arrangement with pineapple leaves; pineapple daisies half dipped in milk chocolaty confection with grape centers; apple wedges dipped in milk chocolaty confection & covered in ground toffee, strawberries; cantaloupe & orange wedges; grape skewers; arranged on a lettuce and kale base
All of our dipped fruit is covered in delicious chocolaty confection
Arrives in our reusable fall plaid container; dishwasher safe; measures 4.75"H x 4.5"W
Can Only Be Picked Up At Our Store, or Delivered Within The Greater Atlanta Area. Cannot be shipped out of state.